After I posted yesterday I decided that I need to reorganize the pantry, which is rapidly becoming reorganizing the whole kitchen. Last night I emptied the bottom section of the pantry, below the shelves, which has never really "worked" and repurposed the plastic drawers that I cleaned my patterns out of on Monday to create usable storage space down there. Now the pasta has a place to live and the space between the top of the drawer unit and the bottom shelf is the perfect space for the coconut milk and the dry milk powder to be. This morning on my way home from taking Harold to work I swung by Dollar Tree and Family Dollar and bought some items my Pinterest searches and closet measurements tell me should work to help corral some of the other problem items.
I guess since I've been on an organizing kick as part of this process I'll go ahead and add THIS:
to what I'm doing during Lent. I've sent at least 4 bags out already.
True to my anything worth doing is worth OVER-doing personality, let's throw THIS:

into the mix as well. Because frankly money is beyond tight and eating out/wasting groceries is one of our biggest budget busters. So today we inventory the contents of the pantry, fridge and both freezers and see how little we can spend on groceries in the remaining days of Lent.
While I was at Dollar Tree I grabbed a couple of the large white candles in glass containers that you often see in churches. I printed off a couple of images that speak to me and I am coloring those creating my own devotional candles. When you honor a saint very few people follow sometimes you have to get creative.
I'm on the screening panel for a local film festival this year so I have been watching a couple of documentary films every day for that. I have to watch and review 5 a week. Next week I'll be better prepared so I can watch one a day rather than trying to binge my way through them 48 hours before the deadline.
I find that I am a bit lonely. Facebook made it easy to feel "connected" without the effort of going out and actually dealing with people. As an introvert that really worked for me. Well, at least it felt like it worked for me. I'm not sure it actually did or not. I guess that is one of the things this season will prove.
My goal for next week is to have coffee or drinks or a meal with at least one person I am missing from my local Facebook contacts. Maybe lunch on Monday since some of us have it off for President's Day and I know my family plans to be out and about that day already so it won't be an extra meal out occasion for the budget.
If I get super brave I'll post before/after photos of the pantry project. Don't hold your breath though.
Until tomorrow, Peace.
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