The hardest times for me so far are waiting times and insomnia times. I grew very accustomed to checking my Facebook while waiting to pick-up my husband from work or my daughter from her GED prep class. When waiting anywhere really. Pinterest requires too much focus surprisingly. Apparently Facebook functions like visual white noise. I can scroll and stave off boredom but I don't have to actually pay attention. If something grabs my attention then I'm off like Alice down the rabbit hole but I don't have to search Facebook with intent. Pinterest requires intent. I have to at least have a vague idea what I am searching for in order to generate pins and then I have to follow the pin to the page in order to see what is there. It may turn into as big a time suck as Facebook as these weeks progress but for now it serves a different purpose entirely. So far I've used it mostly to work on projects that I am working on out here in the real world. Research for costumes for Diary of Anne Frank, ideas for meals, organizational tips for the sewing/costume/prop studio.
I've moved all my patterns upstairs and put them into the drawers of the antique dresser in the studio. I still need to organize them and to continue to bring others up as I find them but as a first step on the studio project that's a really big one. It would be really nice if at the end of these 40 something days the studio was up and functioning.
I've done more sketches and work on Anne Frank. I hope to have the costumes pulled, altered and ready by the time the cast goes into tech in two weeks. The girls are well on their way. The boys I need to work on more. All have their overcoats for Act I Scene I though and most of the girls have at least a couple of complete costumes. I have gone through my inventory here again and have a few more things to take this afternoon for them to try.
Spiritually I spent a good deal of time at my altar yesterday. I wasn't able to work the schedule to attend an Ash Wednesday service so I used the ashes from a recent incense burnt and did it myself. I burned green candles for a friend who had a job interview. I played the flute. I read some spiritual literature.
Speaking of reading. I read two mysteries on my Kindle yesterday and in the wee waking hours last night. I also scanned a couple of other books and decided they weren't really worth the read and deleted those. I may share my reading list here at the end of this journey.
For devotional reading I'm using this resource
from Reconciling Ministries Network.
I'm also working my way through:

which I started before Christmas. I have a variety of other books on religion and spirituality on deck that I'll be sharing insights from as I go along. My spiritual path these days is a mix of Celtic-Christopagan/Progressive Liturgical Baptist. An odd pairing to be certain but its working for me at the moment. If you were expecting a conventional Lenten journey you shouldn't be anymore.
During Advent I started writing a resource for a Celtic-Christopagan celebration of Advent. I was three chapters in when a catastrophic hard drive failure destroyed all my work. Perhaps this blog will eventually become the basis of such a resource for Lent. Who knows. I do know this, not being on Facebook is freeing up huge amounts of time to play with such ideas and projects. So far so good.
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